Monday, December 24, 2007

Two More Weeks To Go!

Going back to school? Hurray! I just can't wait it. But at the same time, i'm worried about a lot of things...

There's a lot to think and worried about. 2007 is at the end of the road, 2008 is approaching, just around the corner. i wonder, if i have done what i'm supposed to do within this year?

really, 2007 is a very challenging year. especially what had happened on the second half of this year. i never expect, at the age of 23 i'll have to face it...

still single and available. i always tell my friends that i'm YSL-young, single and lovely. i took it from a mag that i read years back. yes, it is nice to be single, what's more, i'm always a lone ranger. it is my habit to do things alone. but at the same time, it can also brings preassure (sometimes only ya!). the idea that "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just love and being loved in return" sometimes hit me back. yes, i'm a fan of Moulin Rouge. i've been watching it about 5 times (if i'm not mistaken).

but then, there must be a reason behind it, why i'm still single. just like what i've read in Teantang Cinta by Pahrol Mohd Juoi.

"Bila kita benar-benar bersedia, cinta akan tiba"

the truth is, love is always around us, either we realise it or not. if not because if love, we'll not exist in this world.

Semua berasal dari Cinta. Semua ini tentang sumber Cinta.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aku Ingin Bersama-Samanya

(Ada Apa Dengan Cinta)

Ketika tunas ini tumbuh
Serupa tumbuh yang mengakar
Setiap nafas yang terhembus
Adalah kata

Angin, debur dan emosi
Bersatu dalam jua dan berpautan
Tangan kita terikat
Lidah kita menyatu
Maka setiap apa yang terucap
Adalah sabda pendita ratu

Di luar ini pasir
Luar itu debu
Hanya angin meniup saja
Terbang hilang tak ada apa

Tapi kita terus menari
Menari, cuma kita yang tahu

Jiwa ini tandu maka duduk saja
Maka akan kita bawa semua
Kerana kita adalah satu

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Can you smell what I cook?
The actual cooking class actually starts at home. I have to admit that I don’t know how to cook (before this la!) But, when something happened, it is not impossible that we can learn (or forced to learn) it. Just like me.
I dare not to say that I’m an expert now, but at least my cooking skills are better than before. However, it does not mean that I gained weight. In fact, I loose 2 kilos since July. And having to cook everyday also makes me loose my appetite to eat. Maybe because I’ve smelled the food earlier. Just maybe…

Saya nak jadi cikgu!

“Apa cita-cita awak bila dah besar nanti?”
“Saya nak jadi cikgu!”Being a teacher is a divine job. “Yeah right” that’s what Papa Ed replied, cynically when we told him about that statement.
At least, for decades people had been saying it. Yes, it is true. Let’s have a look at the plus point that a teacher gets.

Lots of holidays because of school holidays, less working hours, have their own ‘day’; which is Teacher’s Day (Gosh! which job have their own special day, get lots of presents and have to entertain the students! Not even the secretary!)…. Hmmm… what else…

Other than what I’ve mentioned earlier, teacher also suffers a lot. Being a teacher means that you have to work with human being- kids, teenagers, and also their parents. It is not that other job does not deal with human-I do not mean that. But just imagine, the students spend most of their time at school, and a teacher has to enter at least three classes a day with minimum number of students in a class is 25. How they are going to handle it? Some more, they have to confront with dissatisfied, angered, pissed off parents? And teachers at school actually are burdened with administration job? You don’t believe me?

Let see…
Sports Day, Canteen Day, Open Day…. and numerous numbers of days that they have to handle other than ordinary day. These days ‘forced’ them to work more. Just compare it to a lecturer. If the faculty wants to carry out a talk-let say, they have the non-academic staff to handle it. Plus, if you are the Head of Unit or Head of Department, you will have an assistant. Whom teachers have? That’s why, sometimes the students have to help out the teachers in doing all these thing. Do not blame teachers. They are just like any other human being.

Being a teacher also requires them to work 25 hours a day. Why? Before they enter a class, of course they have to prepare a lesson plan. Which is very, very important, especially for teacher trainee and new teacher. And the lesson plan need to be prepared a day before the actual lesson. Got it?

If being a teacher is a divine job, then why most of the people who ‘occupied’ Hospital Permai at Tampoi and Hospital Bahagia at Tanjung Rambutan are teachers?

Think about it…


“Tok! Tok! Tok!” “Masukla!”
“Tok! Tok! Tok!” “Come in!”
“Tok! Tok! Tok!” “Kambing!” (?) :)
“Tok! Tok! Tok!” “Tunggu!”
“Tok! Tok! Tok!” “Can’t you read the notice? I don’t want to be disturbed!!”
“Tok! Tok! Tok!”

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Anda belum matang sekiranya…

Menghabiskan nilai kad telefon pra-bayar untuk berbual dengan ‘kekasih’ sedangkan wang membelinya daripada kiriman ibu bapa.
Rela menunggu berjam-jam, dalam hujan pula, untuk melihat gadis yang and ‘cintai’ melintas jalan sedangkan anda solat secara ekspress (kurang 2 minit untuk 4 rakaat) atau tidak solat langsung!
Memarahi bahkan sanggup menampar adik anda yang tersilap cakap sebaliknya mampu tersenyum sekalipun dimaki-hamun atau dihina oleh wanita yang anda minati.
Sanggup membaca noval cinta yang beratus-ratus muka surat dalam tempoh sehari, padahal tidak pernah membaca al-Quran walaupun satu muka surat setahun!
Asyik tekenang wajah kekasih yang baru seminit berpisah dengannya tetapi tidak terkenang pun wajah ibu yang telah berbulan-bulan anda tidak temui.
Susah hati sekiranya tidak mendapat surat, e-mail atau SMS daripada orang yang anda cintai sebaliknya anda tahu bahawa anda sendiri sudah lama tidak mengirim berita, menelefon atau memberi SMS kepada bapa anda di kampung.
Memakai pakaian yang sehabis cantik untuk dating dengan kekasih sebaliknya hanya memakai singlet atau tidak berbaju langsung ketika solat.
Lebih banyak mengucapkan kalimah ‘I Love You’ berbanding kalimah zikir separti: Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah dan Allah hu Akbar!

Anda Telah Sedia Untuk Bercouple Jika…

Anda telah sedia untuk bercouple jika...
Niat anda memang untuk berkahwin dengan ‘si dia’ demi menjaga agama dan akhlak agar sentiasa terpelihara.
Sebaliknya anda belum bersedia untuk bercouple jika...
Niat anda hanya untuk suka-suka atau ingin berseronk-seronok demi melayani kehendak nafsu dan perasaan semata-mata.

Anda telah sedia untuk bercouple jika...
Sudah punya kekuatan dan ketahanan diri untuk tidak terlibat dengan perkara-perkara yang diharamkan oleh agama seperti berdua-duaan di tempat sunyi, berpegangan tangan dan melakukan tindakan- tindakan yang membawa kepada ‘muqaddimah’ zina.
Sebaliknya anda belum bersedia untuk bercouple jika...
Masih sukar mengawal nafsu dan tidak punya keyakinan untuk menahan diri daripada melakukan perbuatan- perbuatan negatif seperti berpeganan tangan , menyentuh dan dot-dot...

Anda telah sedia untuk bercouple jika...
Sudah ‘lepas’ ilmu fardhu Ain dan mempunyaui tahap pencapaian akademik yang baik dalam pengajian anda. Atau sebaik-baiknya sudah mempunyai pekerjaan yang tetap.
Sebaliknya anda belum bersedia untuk bercouple jika...
Masih kandas ilmu fardhu Ain. Mengaji Quran pun lintang pukang dan punyai masalah besar dalam pelajaran. Atau anda adalah penganggur yang masih lagi tercari-ari pekerjaan.

Anda telah sedia untuk bercouple jika...
Sudah istiqamah menjaga solat lima waktu, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dan sedang berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menjadi muslim dalam ertikata yang sebenar.
Sebaliknya anda belum bersedia untuk bercouple jika...
Mengucap dua kalimah syahadah pun belum fasih, solat jarang-jarang, puasa kadang-kadang... aduhai!

Dipetik dari Tentang Cinta tulisan Pahrol Mohd Juoi, terbitan Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.

Manusia dan Kucing

Beberapa hari yang lalu ketika aku memasak di dapur, Mak Itam mengacauku..
Isk, kang ku ketuk Mak Itam ni kang..Mak Itam itu sebenarnya adalah seekor kucing yang tinggal liar di sekitar kawasan perumahan ku ini..
Tiba-tiba ayah ku datang dan berkata.
"Tu la kucing, bila dah biasa dengan kita, dia akan datang lagi."
I was puzzled.
"Manusia pun kadang-kadang macam kucing jugak..bila dia dah baik dengan kita, macam macamla dia mengendeng. Pinjam duit la, buat rete sendiri la..."
Oho..part yang tu rupanya manusia sama dengan kucing...Tapi betul jugak kan?
Think about it...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Faisal Tehrani yang ku kenali...

Secara jujurnya, FT bukanlah termasuk dalam golongan orang yang aku benar-benar kenali. Apa yang aku tahu hanyalah melalui pembacaan novel-novel karyanya yang membuat aku sanggup tabik spring berulang kali....FT, kali pertama I came across his name is when I was in primary school. The first 'product' that I read is Kerana Manisnya Epal. Later, when I was in form 4, I realise that 'hey, I've read this story before!'

As time goes by, I'm constantly in search for the right book to be read. It's hard to find the one that really suits my interest, challenging my intelligence and knowledge. And of course, I'll definitely say NO-NO to romatic books (exceptional for Jane Austen's book). Along that way, I began to discover that, for the past few years FT had become almost an icon for young writers.

The first time I wet him was almost four years ago, when there was a wacana or some sort of discussion (bedah buku?) about Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. FT came to IPTI (previously known as MPTI) as one of the panel in that discussion.

So, for the past two years, I've been digging for FT's works...I feel like buying all those things that he has wrote. But alas! as a student, I cannot afford to buy all of it. So, the best way to get to read his stuffs is buy sharing to buy it with other people. Thank God as my roommate have the same interest with me. Together, we read extensively in our first language, which is BM. Although we are TESL students, it does not mean that we completely forget our mother tongue.

So, coming back to the title of the post, (sorry, but I just can't help to be bilingual-that's just me!) I have to admit that I really admire his works, which I think is very, very impressive.

These are my collection of FT's book:

Kekasih Sam Po Bo
Bila Tuhan Berbicara

Although I only have four out of (almost) countless books that he has wrote, actually, I have read more. As I had mentioned earlier, the other books are from my roommate (but now she's no longer my roommate).

What I like the most about FT's writing is that for me, it is full of questions, new ideas (at least for me), challenging my intelligence and it always have something that makes me keep on reading it. Reading for me isn't just for leisure and pleasure, but it is also a form as escapism.

Most importantly, FT’s writing never underestimates me or insulting my intelligence (being a TESL student makes me a more critical person-keep on criticising-bad habit!).

To be frank, I never get bored with his writing… and I keep on surfing the net just to read his blog (…and now, I’m waiting for the birth of his new ‘baby’… Tuhan Manusia. Just can’t help to read it, it is like a tempting dark chocolate for me… And other books to…

If anybody wishes to give a birthday present, please, please, give me books, instead of other stupid things…

Books and reading-my passion, my life

Lama Tak Jenguk..

bukan tak nak menulis kat blog ni, tapi banyak pula kerja semester ni..sekarang pun tengah busy sangat2 sebenarnya...masalah lain pun ada gak yang melanda...kalau ikutkan hati, mau je tangguh semester ni, tapi of course la tak boleh. belajar pun di tanggung oleh government, mana la boleh nk, apa2 masalh pun kena tanggung sendiri la...

Friday, August 03, 2007

Kalau engkau dicintai orang dan mencintai, senangkanlah hatimu. Tandanya hidupmu telah berharga, tandanya engkau telah didaftar anak bumi yang terpilih. Tuhan telah memperlihatkan belas Kasih-Nya kepadamu lantaran pergaduhan hati sesama makhkluk. Dan jiwa di seberang masyrik dan maghrib telah terkurung di bawah satu perasaan di dalam lindungan Tuhan. Di sanalah waktunya engkai mengetahui rahsia perjalanan matahari dalam falak, ketika fajarnya dan terbenamnya, tandanya Tuhan telah membisikan ke telingamu nyanyian alam ini. Lantaran yang demikian, dua jiwa berenang di langit khyal, di waktu orang lain terbenam, keduanya berdiam di dalam kesukaan dan ketenteraman, bersenda gurau di waktu bersungguh-sungguh.

Dan jika engkau mencintai tetapi cintamu tidak berbalas, senangkan jugalah hatimu. Kerana sesungguhnya orang yang mengusir akan jatuh kasihan dan ingin kembali kepada orang yang diusirnya itu setelah dia jatuh dari matanya: dia akan cinta, cinta yang lebih tinggi darjatnya daripada cinta lantaran hawa. Terpencil jauh membawa keuntungan insaf, kebencian meruncingkan cita-cita dan membersihkan perbuatan. Dengan sebab itu, engkau akan beroleh juga kelak tempat merupakan cinta itu, kalau tak pada insan, ada pada yang lebih kekal daripada insan. Bersedialah menerima dan menyuburkan cinta, walau bagaimana besarnya tanggunganmu, kerana cinta memberi dan menerima, cinta itu gelisah tetapi membawa tenteram. Cinta mesti lalu di hadapanmu, sayang engkau tak tahu bila lalunya.

Hendaklah engkau jadi orang besar, yang sanggup memikul cinta yang besar. Kalau tak begitu, engkau akan beroleh cinta yang rendah dan murah, engkau menjadi pencium bumi, engkau akan jatuh ke bawah, tak jadi naik ke dalam benteng yang kuat dan teguh, benteng yang gagah perkasa yang susar tertempuh oleh manusia biasa. Kerana tugu cita-cita hidup itu berdiri di seberang kekuasaan dan kemelaratan yang diletakkan oleh kerinduan itu sendiri.

Zaman kanak-kanak... kita merasa dengan kaki dan tangan. Sampai luka-luka bila tersadung dan jatuh. Kini sudah remaja, kita merasa dengan akal dan hati pula.sering lika-luka juga kalau tersungkur dalam perjalanan. Kelak kalau dewasa bagaimana pula?

Clubbin' @IPTI

have u ever met people go to clubbing early in the morning? well, most probably, i guess the answer is NOT!
BUT NOW, u can see it and witness it by yourself! HOW? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? (all WH- question comes out!)...
well, at Institut Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim, JB @IPTI we have this kind of 'clubbing' early in the early as the birds come out..opss...xde early at 7.30am. for the next 15 minutes we have J-robik...aerobic with Johore's flavour...
lots of song...arabic (gelek la!), chinese song...
but's over..(not the J-robik session), but the other song has pun on the stop... now we only use malay song... 1st, sudirman's song..then 2 songs from ct nurhaliza..and for cooling down, zainal abidin's song...
so sad....
everyday we do the same step...until i can memorise it!
so, if anybody wants to join this clubbing early at the morning, don't forget to drop by at IPTI...we will welcome you with open arms..

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Here I Come Again...

This is my first week at IPTI, Institut Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim. Actually nothing much changed..except that the blocks looks so worn out, old and ugly...
Hmm...other than that, the class is still from 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m...but there's something new now... We have to be at our academic block before 7.30 a.m. ...just for some aerobic session from Tuesday till Thursday.

So far, I think it is okay...but we still have several months to go on at this place..don't know weather we can stand with the rules and regulations at this place or not, as they are treating us like boarding school students..Huhu...

Bye for the time being...

Friday, June 22, 2007

do parents have to say 'SORRY'?

in daily lives, i'm sure your parents sometimes get mad with you and say things that you do not wish to hear from them.maybe, at that moment, they are too tired or too upset or too..anything (whatever!). but actually, deep inside their heart, they do not mean it.
the question right now is, do parents have to say sorry to us? maybe between friends, it would be easier for them (and for us too), but when it comes between parents and child...there might be some difficulty. i have to admit that it is hard to say 'I'M SORRY'. like a song from elton john, 'sorry seems to be the hardest word'.
therefore, i think we should just forgive them, for what they have done to us all this while. they face a lot of difficulty when they raise us up. i admit that, it is easy to forgive but it is difficult to forget... and for parents.. i think they should not put a lot of pressure upon their child. and one more thing, do not put a lot of hope on your child's promises, especially when they are below 15 years old. based on my observations and experience, younger kids have higher tendancy to promise this and that to their parents. at that age, promise does not mean a lot to them. besides, they are not mumaiyyiz and baligh...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Meaningful Life

What does meaningful life means to you? Does it mean to have a lot of money, loving partner, good job..bla..bla..bla...
Sometimes I wonder, does my life really complete...
i have good friends around me, parents who always care and loves me..
the important thing is, people never feel satisfied with what they have and waht they get...
sometimes i feel that i want to shoutout what i feel at the moment, but at the end of the day, it'll remain to myself. i never get the opportunity to do that.
my God, sometimes i wonder what will happen next.
my roomate always told me not to sigh, (coz i always do that) but i find it difficult to get rid of it...hmmm
there's a lot of things that i want to write, but sometimes, it is too difficult to open, therefore, i just keep what i feel and what i feel to myself again...what to do...
just me and myself...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

huhu....i just missed my blog..i have a lot of things to be typed out but it is already late...just can't wait to go for my driving lesson...pas2 nk g MELTA @PWTC...then go back to MPTI aka IPTI.huhu...

Monday, April 23, 2007


We are like partners in the ronggeng,
Approaching nearer, nearer and nearer;
But just when one would think we’d meet at last,
We turn away, reverse our steps, withdraw.

And like the ronggeng too, my life seems now,
With steps mechanical, repeated, meaningless;
Arms swinging back and forth, expressing nothing,
Feet pacing up and down the floor, going nowhere.

I am tired of going through ronggeng motions,
Long to break this impasse of reserve;
If only at one point our hands would clasp,
What rich variety of movements and gestures could be ours.

Fadzilah Amin

Comments: I think this is the most popular example used by friends during (once upon sweet, lovely time) simulated teaching. :)
The main idea or theme of this poem is about lack of commitment in a relationship. I find it rather interesting and very (very, very much) appealing to me as I personally does not believe in commitment. Especially between man and woman, as I myself do have a lot commitment at the moment. As a servant to ALLAH, as a daughter to parents, as a sister to a sister and brother, as a students to lecturers, as a friend to friends… etc.
The idea of commitment is clearly presented in this poem through the choice of words by the poet. For example, “With steps mechanical, repeated, meaningless;/ Arms swinging back and forth, expressing nothing,” (stanza 2, line 2-3). How creative the poet to compare a relationship with steps from a dance. (Sorry, I personally too, do not know how ronggeng dance looks like).
In the final stanza, the poet is hoping that the relationship can be improved with more commitments involved between the partners.
Finally, maybe I would like to reconsider about my responsibility and commitment towards others. This poem actually opens up my eyes and made me realized that, commitment is important in our lives and it does not only between a man and a woman (in the sense of couple-boyfriend and girlfriend), but also to everybody around us.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Several Days Left…

Several days left… and I just can’t wait to submit my research paper. The due date of my research paper also means that it is the end of our lecture week. Well, it is not too bad as my first exam paper will be on 21st of April. Fuh….

Friday, April 06, 2007

Another One Week to Go!

Go! Go! Go! Another week left for our lecture week. It also means that I still have another week to finish up my research paper. I think, it is pretty torturing as I have to submit it at the last day of lecture which is on 13th April 2007. Why is it torturing? It is because I still have to sit, read and edit my research paper. Sometimes, I feel a bit drained because of this research paper. Most of the times, I think I already wrote what I think but it is still not enough.
Well, to submit it at the last day also torture for me as I think my supervisor will put a high expectation on our work. If have tried my best to give all out for my research paper. I just hope that I can get the marks that I deserve.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

meeting with supervisor

Before our meeting with Cik Pah, suddenly I felt a bit scared. I just don’t know why, although I had prepared my research paper and almost have completed it. I have written everything that I want to write including the section of ‘Implication towards Education”.
During our meeting, Cik Pah suggested to me to add something in my paper. It is about how the portrayal of female characters in both plays similar or differs from Malay women. Does this kind of women is accepted in the society are they are totally out of place.
Frankly, I think it is very hard for me to do it. I just don’t know how to relate it to my culture and my race (I am partially Malay, but according to my birth cert, I am Malay).
Points that I have included in my paper are about similarities and differences of character traits of female characters in both plays. The similarities are how they live in delusion, how the title of the plays foreshadows their fate and their inability to accept the reality of aging. The only difference that I include is how these female characters react towards charm and attraction.
I just don’t know what to do. Maybe I need someone who can knock some sense in my head, or maybe I can see Cik Siti to ask help from her. Help me! I don’t want to drown.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Extrinsic Motivation!

This weekend I’m at home. My home sweet home. Somehow it gives me energy and ideas to write my research paper. Maybe that’s what we call as extrinsic motivation. Looking at my parents face, I realize that I’m not supposed to let them down. I have to work hard for my future and hopefully I can help them in the future.
Thanks mom and dad! For I finally some kind of ‘electrical shock’ to wake me up and recharge myself. I finally manage to write my research paper until 6 pages! Anyhow, I still have to add more because the word count shows that I’ve wrote only 2020 words. There are 980 words left. Maybe I just need to add a point and elaborate on it!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Writing Research Paper

For two weeks we did not met our supervisor, Cik Pah because she is busy to observe students who went out for teaching practices. Well, it actually discourages me from writing my research paper. Like what I’ve wrote earlier, the ideas are there, lingering in my mind, but I find it difficult to put in into words and paper. I just don’t know why.
Every night I just sit on my bed trying to figure out what I am suppose to write. I’ve read several example of research paper. It looks so easy, easier than our position paper. Because for position paper we have to make sure we have thesis statement and topic sentence, everything must be clear cut.
But for research paper, it is like any other assignments that we have done before. Maybe just like the one that I’ve done in foundation course or in my first year of degree.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Research Paper- A Torture of Learning Experience?

Having to write a research paper might be a bless for some of us. Bit for others, they might hate it. Personally, I don’t know in which group I belong, maybe both. Sometimes, I think it is good for us to have this research paper to be done as we will have the opportunity to get to know more about certain writer. At the same time, I think it is also a burden. I felt tortured by this research paper for what I have to go through, especially preparing the drafts. Drafts are ugly, horrible, dreadful, but the final essay is pretty, nice. Just like Blanche said, “… funerals are pretty compared to death. Funerals are quiet, but deaths- not always.”
Sometimes I felt just want to blurt out. But that’s students’ life; assignment is just a part and parcel of our life. Not to mention educational hazard that we have to go through. I’m sure that all out there had experienced the same thing. So many works to do and so little time left.
Coming back to my research paper, I felt it is difficult to personalize it because there are a lot of people had written about it. I think of doing Malaysian literature, comparing This End of the Rainbow with Green is the Colour. However, when I look back at the calendar, it might be quite late to change it. Yeah, as long as the final essay hasn’t been submitted, I can still change it. But I hate to feel the torture again to search for reference materials.
Educational hazard a.k.a. learning experience. Hate it, but you still have to face it.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Searching for Authentic Idea

Having decided to do about gender biasness in Tennessee Williams’ writing somehow makes me a bit depressed. Like Cik Pah have told before that a lot of people have discuss about this. Therefore, the main problem now is to make it personalized. I can read as much as I want critiques about Williams’ work, but at the end of the day, does it really my idea? In a way, yes, it is. Because I’m the one who put it in sentences, the issue is, does it authentic? Does it really reflect what I want to say?
I don’t know. Because so far, Dr. Edwin haven’t give us any example of research paper did by our seniors (he gave us a copy of final draft of position paper before). Hopefully I can do this research paper. I just feel that there’s a lot of thing to do and there’s little time left.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Position Paper is over!

Well, for all the fuss that we have gone through, finally we have submitted our position paper. And now we are on holiday! I just want to wish all of you Happy Chinese New Year, although you are not a Chinese, we still can celebrate it right? After all, we are Malaysian, we celebrate all festivals.
So, coming back to the story, we have another task waiting. It is our RESEARCH PAPER!!! Before we have semester break, I have met with my supervisor, Cik Pah, with my ‘sibling’. We have shown her our rough draft. It is not surprising for me to see that many of us are interested to write about the portrayal of women in certain text. As me myself, I planned to write about gender biasness in Tennessee Williams’ works, but my focus will be on ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘The Glass Menagerie’. I think that’s all for now. Lots of works to be done!

Friday, February 09, 2007

How to Start It?

Well, I have had my thesis statement, my topic sentence and some evidence. The main problem right now is to put it into a string of words, construct it in sentences, make a paragraph of it and finally, make an essay. However, the most difficult part is to make it a good essay.
Huh… this week is a busy week. As usual, for the past three semesters that I had been at UPM, this is the most stressful week, which is, the mid-sem test week. Everybody hates it. So do I. lots of works to do… plus we have to read the notes (luckily this sem I am better-hardly sleep in the class; a very bad habit that I still cannot get rid of!). If your handwriting is as good as a doctor, you might wish to borrow someone’s notes and Xerox it.
Coming back to the topic-about our position paper, I think we are a bit lucky because the due date for this assignment is after the Chinese New Year, plus the presentation is also after CNY. However, we need to send our almost-complete essay of it. Never mind, I will work on it.
For my project paper, I already have some rough idea about it. I would like to do a comparison in the treatment of women character by Tennessee Williams in his two plays, A Streetcar Named Desire and A Glass Menagerie. As we have met Cik Pah last week, she already gave me some insight s that I might want to write it from the point of view of a Malaysian woman. I think it is very interesting and I like the idea.
Till now, daa…!!! :)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Presentation: Hate or Love?

For many people, doing presentation is something that they hate very much. Why? I think the reason is simple, because they are afraid to be the center of attention in the crowd.
Basically, I also do have the same feeling, but I think making a presentation would be easier if you are comfortable with the audience and especially the EVALUATOR! (this is specially for students). For the past four and a half year, I think I had gain a lot of experiences regarding making a presentation. Yes, I had gone through moments where everything that I planned to say suddenly flew away without wing, stumble in the middle of presentation, trembling hands, seat excessively…. However, it doesn’t stop me, as I think every presentation that I made will enrich my experience.
Coming back to this presentation, we are supposed to present our position paper. Luckily it doesn’t require much things but it is actually the basic for our position paper which comprises about thesis statement, topic sentence, evidences and some elaboration. Don’t know either our beloved lecturer will see our presentation or not because his tutorial is handle by a tutor. Whatever it is, just pray for my luck!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Topic Sentence oh Topic Sentence!

Although my thesis statement had been accepted, there is another problem that I have to face which is to prepare the topic sentence. Topic sentence is like supporting points which is needed to complete our position paper.
Why it is so difficult? Well, the main reason is because Han is a just supporting character. The whole novelette is about Ayu, since she was small until present (when she is studying at University Malaya, Singapore during pre independence).
If it is so difficult, why at the first place I choose Han as a character to be analyze? For me, Han is a very interesting character. As his nickname is ‘The Cynic’, he is actually not a very cynical person. It is just that he just love to question his ‘freshie’ about their beliefs and attitude towards interracial relationship. Furthermore, Han is a special character who makes Ayu to think again and again about interracial relationship and how to live harmoniously with each other.
Oppss, maybe you don’t know what I am talking about. Well, actually I am preparing my position paper for the subject that I learn this semester and the text that I choose is ‘This End of the Rainbow’ by Adibah Amin.
Till now, see you in the next journal!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Finally, it is accepted!!!

After struggling now and then, after spending sleepless nights, now I can have a good sleep. Wanna know why? Well, let me tell you, my thesis statement was approved! Hurray!! Well, I have to give this token of appreciation to our tutor, Miss Siti Norbaiti who helped me a lot to construct a good thesis statement. I’m not trying to please her, but to be frank; she is very patient in handling my class while most of us have the experience their thesis statement being rejected again and again. Redo, reconstruct, cracking their head and put it together back- it is not an easy job.
Well, we leave the topic about my-had-been-approved-thesis-statement. This week, we had been divided into small groups and each group will have a supervisor who will help us to do our research paper. Guess whom I get??? She is Sharifah Zainab binti Said Abdul Rahman! Aka Cik Pah. Hopefully she will help me and my friends (Fyd, Haiyu, Che Yah, Awienn, Pari and Puspa) to make a good research paper… get A for this subject!
Chaiyok! Chaiyok!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thesis Statement: A Writer’s Point of View

Creating a good thesis statement is not as easy as what I think. Watching my friends’ thesis statement being rejected again and again, make me wonder why it is so difficult to come out with a sentence. According to Barnet and Cain (2003), thesis statement is:
“a sentence summarizing, as specifically as possible, the writer’s chief point (argument and perhaps purpose)”
Therefore, what makes it so difficult is to put the gist of the essay in just a sentence.
It is already the third week of lecture and I have to admit that I don’t know weather I can make a good one. Some of the thesis statement that I read (which belongs to my friends), seem good but rejected because the quality of the sentence is not there. Maybe it is our own mistake for not paying attention while studying Expository Writing (the subject which thought us to do thesis statement for the whole semester). Somehow, I take it as a challenge, because in education we do not face problems but challenge.

Friday, January 12, 2007

First Step: Preparing the Thesis Statement

Although at first I actually thinking of doing a Malaysian writer’s work, Adibah Amin, later I find that it will not help me much in my second assignment, which is research paper. Doing a Malaysian writer is a challenge, but it means that I will have to do more work.
Therefore, I decided to work on A Streetcar Named Desire, one of those dramas that we have learnt in the previous semester. I don’t know why, themes that relates to men and women relationship always attract my attention. I’m not a sexist, nevertheless, I think this topic does relate in our daily lives.
As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, making a thesis statement is the crucial thing before we can start our position paper and how ‘senseless’ topic statement to me. However, when our tutor asked us to come out with a thesis statement, I finally managed to come out with a thesis statement. Hopefully this thesis statement will guide we to move on to the next phase in writing a position paper.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Having learnt that we are supposed to make a thesis statement for our first assignment, one thing came across my mind- Expository Writing. Yes, I’ve learnt that subject years ago at IPTI (formerly known as MPTI). Yes, that subject, the subject that doesn’t make any sense for me. We had been drilled by our lecturer to make thesis statement again and again. However, I actually did not understand what the purpose of it, why we need to learn how to write thesis statement for the whole semester. It doesn’t make any sense for me, but now it does.
Writing a good thesis statement is the most important thing before we start to write our position. Frankly, when Dr. Edwin briefed us about the course outline, I’ve already have in mind what I want to do for the research paper. Something related to Tennessee Williams, but not for position paper. Never mind, I’m sure I’ll find the suitable text to be discuss in my position paper. Maybe I’ll write about ‘This End of the Rainbow’ a novel which was released last year by Adibah Amin… in conjunction of 50 years of independence…

Pameran Kegemilangan Sains dalam Tamadun Islam

Last Monday, I went to Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC). Although this is not the first time I go there, but it is a special trip for me because the purpose of going there is to see an exhibition held at the convention centre. The exhibition is about the glory of science in Islam. This exhibition is organized by MOSTI and Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. Although the items being display is not that much, but at least you have the opportunity to look at the relics being left by Islam scientist and creator. Especially for form four students (if they are still using the same textbook that I used), they should take this opportunity to come and see this exhibition because it is very useful. Instead of looking in the dull (but highly informative) textbook, they will have opportunity to see the replicas of certain items such as astrolabe and windmill.
However, what makes this exhibition very meaningful to me is that, I come across one of the hosts of Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI), Nuraffenda Ibrahim. Well, I don’t miss out this opportunity to get her autograph and in return, she interviewed us, me and my roommate. Maybe we will appear in MHI too! We also come across, Mohd. Noor Sulaiman (another host cum producer at TV3), Mahathir Lokman (former host of Majalah 3 at TV3), Che Amran (Raihan) and Zamil (Malaysian Idol). Well, I hope that this is not the last time for me to see more public figures!
p/s: I also have met the Sunsilk model, Nik Faredah and her husband, the handsome doctor (August 2006) at Ikano and Anita (a model) last December 2006 at 1 Utama hehehe…

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

New Year had just left us several days back. Well, nothing much that I can say except that this new year will promise you all good things and good luck.
New year resolution... well, I think that we do not need to make that, because we are suppose to make it everyday, everytime we wake up from bed.
Anyway, for this new year, I hope that everybody will be happy. Forget all the past, sad memories. Open new book. (That's why human are created to forget, so that we will not remember anything that make us sad, upset...)
This new year also means new semester to me. And what I like the most is, because I have two classes with DR. EDWIN!!! I just love his class.
Therefore, for the next four months, this blog will discuss about my feelings about this subject:
EDU 3234: Reading and Project Work for Teaching Literature in ESL Contex
I think it is enough for now, as thi sis just the beginning of it. Keep on reading this blog and all the best for you out there!