Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The (Unprofessional/ Part Time) Wedding Planner Notes (part 2)

continue from the previous entry...
E. Canopy
Renting canopy can be quite costly. Those who will held their reception at a hall will be very fortunate I guess, as they do not have to think how many canopies that they have to rent. Bear in mind too, that most of the time tables and chairs are not inculded in the canopy package. Therefore you have to look for others. When renting the canopy, consider about how many guests that you invite, when will be the peak hour, how long is the duration of your reception, will they inculde the decorations for the canopy?
At the same time you should also know that there are many types of canopy and you have to be sure which one is frequently use for a wedding. Make sure also, that you have to reserve a canopy just for makan beradab. Once you have decided the canopy, the tables and chairs, do not forget to buy kertas mahjong, kertas minyak or table cloth to cover the tables. Prepare along thumb tacks, stapler gun, celotapes and scissiors.
F. Invitation Card
Fancy or simple one? Combine or seperate? Custome made or ready made? You can look for it at any shops who are specialised in making wedding invitations or you can also look at photocopy shops. Some online shops also offer a great deal of discout if you book online. Make sure that there are no hidden charges.
Once you have booked the invitation card, have a sesssion for proof reading. Make sure too, that there are not mistakes about the spelling or information (e.g. date, venue, phone number, tentative programme and maps).
G. Bunga telur
DIY or ready made? Certain types of bunga telur are way much cheaper if you DIY (e.g. dip flowers). For each pahar you will need 25 bunga telur. For Johorean, the bride need to prepare a pahar for the bridegroom's side. If not, you will have to bring along one pahar of bunga telur during majlis bertandang. Those who are from Negri Sembilan, their custom is to include the bunga telur as a part of the hantaran.
H. Perenjis
Ask your mak andam, does she/ he has it. Will it be included as a prt of the package or you have to pay extra to rent. Make sure that you are prepared with the stuffs for merenjis as the mak andam will not prepare it for you. Some of the stuffs that you have to prepare for the merenjis are beras kunyit (a raw plain white beras will also do- no one will know about it), inai (henna) and air mawar (you may mix colonge with water or just plain water- again, no one will know about it, unless you tell others about it, ahaks!).
will be continued in the next entry...

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