Monday, June 07, 2010

School Holiday Again

As usual, school holiday is back again. I can feel that this time around I turn into holiday grinch again *sigh*
Tomorrow I will meet my dentist to do minor surgery to take out my wisdom tooth. Not so wise I guess as this is the second time I have to say goodbye to my wisdom tooth. Rather than calling it as wisdoom tooth, I personally prefer to call it World Cup's tooth. Why? Because the first time I had to remove my wisdom tooth was four years ago.
This time around, I am more prepared with things that I have to do/ prepare before the minor operation. For those who will/ might experience this is future, please take this note:
1. You have to do it early in the morning (if possible, you are the first patient at the clinic)
2. Make sure that you have heavy breakfast on that morning. After the operation, it will be difficult for you to eat.
3. Make sure that you prepare some ice in your freezer and bottles of cold water in you fridge. If you experience endless bleeding, these cold stuff will help you to put it on stop.
The operation will not be too bad. The painful part is not the moment when the dentist take out your tooth, but during the anesthetic. So, bear with it.
My next holiday plan? Continue marking students' essay and meet up the clerk at school to settle up the receipt book *sigh again*
Meet new boyfriend? =D

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