Saturday, June 19, 2010

Menyusun wardrobe

Entri ini ditujukan buat warga pendidik. Tapi pekerja dari bidang lain juga boleh menggunakannya.
Saya percaya ramai di antara anak murid yang mengeluh bila melihat cara guru- guru mereka berpakaian. Saya tidak mahu mendabik dada mengatakan bahawa cara saya berpakaian adalah yang terbaik di sekolah saya, tetapi sekurang- kurangnya murid- murid saya tidak merasa bosan dengan penampilan saya setiap hari. (oh, juga kadangkala mendapat pujuan dari pengetua, ia sesuatu yang sangat dia jarang lakukan). Riak sikit, (-_-")
Di sini saya turunkan beberapa kaedah yang saya gunakan dalam menyusun wardrobe saya.
1. Keluarkan semua baju kerja anda.
Saya yakin, bila anda melihat baju- baju anda, anda akan terkejut dengan jumlah sebenar baju yang anda miliki. Terutamanya bagi guru- guru yang sudah lama bekerja. Sekiranya pengetua anda agak sporting dari segi berpakaian (membenarkan guru- guru memakai blaus, skirt, jubah, jubah seluar dan lain- lain), maka longgokkan sekali baju- baju tersebut.
2. Asingkan baju batik dari baju- baju.
3. Susunkan baju batik anda berselang warna.
Katakan anda ada 3 baju merah, 4 baju hijau dan 2 baju coklat. Letakkan baju hijau sebagai baju pertama, baju merah sebagai baju kedua dan seterusnya. (Rujuk rajah di bawah)
4. Asingkan baju- baju anda mengikut warna (colour coding). Masukkan sekali baju blaus dan jubah anda.
5. Susunkan baju- baju anda seperti baju batik.
a) Baju anda harus di kumpulkan empat- empat.
Ini kerana dalam seminggu, biasanya kita bertugas lima hari. Empat baju yang di kumpulkan mewakili hari Isnin, Selasa, Rabu dan Jumaat. Hari Khamis adalah hari batik.
b) Jangan longgokan baju- baju polos (tidak bercorak) dalam satu minggu. Selangkan dengan baju bercorak.
c) Pastikan anda tidak mengulang baju dari kumpulan warna yang sama dalam masa seminggu.
Katakan anda mempunyai banyak baju berwarna merah. Jangan di longgokan dua pasang baju merah dalam minggu yang sama. Tetapi sekiranya ia tidak dapat di elakkan, maka selangkan dengan hari lain. Contohnya, baju merah untuk hari Isnin dan Jumaat.
d) Dalam masa anda menyusun atur baju anda, mungkin anda mahu mengambil kira bilangan waktu mengajar pada hari- hari tertentu. Contohnya, pada hari Isnin, saya perlu mengajar enam waktu, manakala pada hari Selasa, saya mengajar empat waktu. Maka apa yang saya lakukan adalah, baju pada hari Isnin seharusnya lebih selesa (dari fabrik yang mudah menyerap peluh).
e) Bagi guru- guru yang perlu memakai uniform pada hari Rabu, mungkin anda boleh menyelang selikan pemakaian uniform tersebut.
Contohnya, pada setiap minggu pertama dan ketiga dalam setiap bulan.
Nah, sekarang wardrobe anda telah siap! Apa yang menariknya, apabila anda sudah melakukan kesemua langkah di atas, akan akan kagum, betapa bervariasinya baju anda dalam masa seminggu. Anda juga mungkin akan sedar bahawa baju anda tidak akan di ulang pakai dalam masa sekurang kurangnya sebualan. (saya sendiri berjaya menyusun baju untuk sembilan minggu!).
Pada masa yang sama, ini menyenangkan anda untuk tidak memeningkan kepala, baju apa yang anda perlu pakai pada setiap pagi. Bagi mereka yang malas (seperti saya), anda boleh menggosok baju- baju anda untuk seminggu sekali gus. Ada yang mengamalkan kaedah ini, terutamnya bagi guru- guru yang sudah mempunyai anak yang bersekolah. Pada masa yang sama juga, anda dapat menjimatkan bil elektrik.
Sekiranya anda masih malas lagi (seperti saya), and juga boleh menggosok tudung- tudung anda sekaligus. Ada yang berkata, tudung mereka akan renyuk dan susah di pakai sekiranya di gosok seminggu sekali, itu terpulang pada anda. Tapi bagi orang yang malas (seperti saya) untuk menggosok CUMA sehelai tudung pada waktu pagi, anda boleh gosok tudung anda seminggu sekali dan meletakkannya elok- elok.
(Kaedah saya, sesudah tudung digosok, saya lipatkannya, dan sepitkan penjuru tudung dengan penyepit baju. Sekiranya saya perlu memakai tudung sarung, saya sepitkan bahagian dagu dengan penyepit baju)
Kepada yang berkata, “banyaknya cangkuk baju yang perlu di gunakan!” saya menggunakan cangkuk baju bayi untuk baju- baju kerja saya. Kreatifkan? Daripada saya membuang cangkuk- cangkuk baju tersebut dan membeli cangkuk yang baru, lebih baik saya gunakannya semula. Oh ya, cangkuk baju bayi tersebut bukan kepunyaan Awang, anak kakak saya. Tetapi cangkuk baju saya dan adik beradik ketika kami kecil. (boleh agak tak sudah berapa lama cangkuk baju tersebut?)

sekadar gambar hiasan, Cikde tak curi hangar Apam tau!

Kepada yang tidak memiliki canguk seperti saya dan tidak mahu membeli cangkuk baju lagi, jangan risau. Sekiranya anda rajin, lipatkan sahaja baju- baju anda! Ini lebih menjimatkan ruang berbanding menggantungkan baju anda.
Selamat mencuba!

Maaf entri ini terlebih panjang pula. Bila sesi persekolahan di buka semula, tidak tahu bila ada masa untuk update blog.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Gossips/ Rumors

I have to admit that most of the time I do not entertain gossips/ rumors. Even for artist or any public figure. It is just not my cup of tea now.
Admit too, that we will be uncomfortable if we hear any gossips/ rumors being spread about us. Especially if it is not true.
But the rumors that I heard from my ex students yesterday at pasar malam made me smiling from ear to ear. I guess that rumors had been spread by one of the Form 5 students at my school. It started with a joke from me, but I never thought that they will spread it that fast ^_^
Readers, please pray for me that this particular rumors will come true shortly.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Discount Card

I believe most people love free stuff. But in reality, we don't get free stuff everyday ='P
So, the only way to get stuff with lower price is getting discount card. As I browsed through my wallet this morning while waiting for my dentist (I have to wait for almost 1 HOUR just to remove the stitches!!!), I realised that most of my discout card is red in coulour.
Popular Discount Card
I have this since I was a student. Somehow I lost it, but made a new one. Although it is called as Popular Card, I often use it at Harris (@ Jusco Tebrau) ^_^
Mesra Card
I was forced by my father to have this card since I started driving. It took me almost 1 year to apply it because when I started driving, I drove my father's Datsun.
MPH Readers' Circle Card
Just apply it this year. Somehow I was not interested to apply it when I was a student because MPH is not a popular/ favourite bookstore at JB. Even the one at City Square looks like hidup segan mati tak mahu. But now, since I always go to KL instead of JB, I feel the urge to have it since I will visit Mid Valle every now and then. Heheh
* *
Jusco Card
Yay! Finally I have it, but it is actually complementary card from my sister. It doesn't matter, as long as I have it.
My latest discount card
Woot! I love this soooo much! If you are smart enough to read the logo, you will know from which store I got it. I have booked the stuff at this store, but I will only collect it on July 3rd. Therefore, until that date, I will not reveal it.
In short, just admit that we looove discount card. And by looking at the discount card that I have, you can guess wha kind of stuff that I heart to buy

Monday, June 07, 2010

The (Unprofessional/ Part Time) Wedding Planner Notes (For Bridesmaid)

I know that I have left this note for so long. But believe me, I still heart the wedding ceremony. Noted that I had been bridesmaid for three times (almost four, but I was involved with accident a few days before that T_T), so I think it is not wrong for me to share some tips.
Once you have been choosen or offered yourself to be the bridesmaid, you have to take note on several things.
1. Confirm with the bride either you have to accompany her during solemnization too.
2. Confirm with the bride what colour that you have to wear on that day.
3. If you have to accompany her during solemnization, there are certain things that you have to take note:
>> make sure you have a big handbag to put all of the bride's important stuffs, such as identity card, handphone (only applicable if the solemnization is done at surau or masjid)
>> bring along at least a packet of tissue (for tears and make up)
>> bring a bottle of water. if you could not find a tumbler, make sure a straw is included with the bottle
4. Make sure that you put the bride's cuishon at a suitable place where she can have a good view of the akad (depending on the jurunikah, some will asked the bride to sit a little bit far)
5. After the akad, the bride might go round and salam with all relatives, you may choose not to accompany her. But after the salam session, make sure that she stands next to the bridegroom.
6. During the bersanding ceremony, make sure that the priority is given to the bride. If the photographer asked you not to enter the frame, please walk away (but not too far).
7. Make sure that you know what are the things that people have to do during merenjis. Ask the bride to turn over her palms after the merenjis and salam the people first. Then only you clean up her palms.
8. Do not forget the bunga telur for the people who do the merenjis.
9. Wipe her sweats and fan her.
10. If the bride wears a long veil or outfit, make sure that you help her to hold it (and repair it if needed)
11. During makan beradab, make sure that you put the rice and dishes on her plate as she wishes. In short, entertain her.
12. Go along with her if she asked you to accompany her during outdoor shooting.
Note that the above points are during the solemnization, bersanding and makan beradab. As for yourself,
1. Make sure that you have enough rest and learn to smile too. You will be very busy on that day and you might have forgotten how to smile.
2. Make sure that you make up and outfit do not overdo the bride. Keep yourself simple and sleek.
As for the bridegroom side, there are also certain things that you need to consider.
1. Bring a bottle of water, a packet of tissue and identity card during solemnization for the bridegroom. He might get nervous and need some drink.
2. Confirm with the bridegroom what colour of your outfit.
3. Prepare some (or a lot?) packets of angpow for tol (this custom is usually done around the Southern area- Johor, Melaka).
4. Wipe his sweats and fan him.
5. Serve him during makan beradab.
If you need more information, just google it.

In short, being the bridesmaid/ bestman is a tough job.
But still, I love it...

School Holiday Again

As usual, school holiday is back again. I can feel that this time around I turn into holiday grinch again *sigh*
Tomorrow I will meet my dentist to do minor surgery to take out my wisdom tooth. Not so wise I guess as this is the second time I have to say goodbye to my wisdom tooth. Rather than calling it as wisdoom tooth, I personally prefer to call it World Cup's tooth. Why? Because the first time I had to remove my wisdom tooth was four years ago.
This time around, I am more prepared with things that I have to do/ prepare before the minor operation. For those who will/ might experience this is future, please take this note:
1. You have to do it early in the morning (if possible, you are the first patient at the clinic)
2. Make sure that you have heavy breakfast on that morning. After the operation, it will be difficult for you to eat.
3. Make sure that you prepare some ice in your freezer and bottles of cold water in you fridge. If you experience endless bleeding, these cold stuff will help you to put it on stop.
The operation will not be too bad. The painful part is not the moment when the dentist take out your tooth, but during the anesthetic. So, bear with it.
My next holiday plan? Continue marking students' essay and meet up the clerk at school to settle up the receipt book *sigh again*
Meet new boyfriend? =D

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I Looooove Exam Week!

Howyeah, it's exam week!
I don't know why since I was a student I looove exam week. And I dare not to tell others about that, afraid that people will call me freak. Yeah, I used to be one of the unpopular students due to the way I think is slightly different from others.
When I was a student, I love exam week because:
> that was the time I can bring the lightest bag to school (other than the final week before end of year school holiday)
> that was my bag fashion week. Sometimes I will borrow my sister's bag just to sit for exam (-_-")
Now, as a teacher, I still love exam week because:
>> I don't have to teach =P
>> I don't have to write lesson plan
>> I will bring the lightest bag ever
>> I can bully my students when they answered the questions wrongly =P
Luckly I am not alone anymore. Last week I found out that Bee Gek also love exam week. Haha!!!
Happy answering the questions kiddos!