Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don't Ask Me That Question Again!

Today is my friend's wedding. Yup, she was my classmate, back than when I was in kindergarten up till Standard 6. I met some of my old friends there too. Iwan, sorry, I really forgot your name. Certain things need to be forget, I guess so. Just like what Mr. Kam (my Falsafah Pendidikan's lecturer) told us,
"Men are created to forget. Know why? Because certain things are better to be forget, such as terrible experience, etc..."
But I will never forget when Mr. Kam commented on Adat Temenggong.
"Kita ni orang Temenggong. Ikut adat Temenggong.
Adat Temenggong; berani buat, berani tanggung,
Berani buat, berani mengandung!"
Such a cute guy he is.
Coming back to the original story. Of course, they asked me when I want to get married. Aiyoh, why on the earth you asked me this kind of question again and again and again...? So I answered,
"Selagi pengetua aku tak kawin, aku tak susah hati"
Hah, hamik ko!
And they just laugh as they understand what I mean.
Come on, if I can get anything, everything just by myself, why should I sacrifice myself just to get the title WIFE? This statement is only applicable for those who still have not meet their Mr. Right occkay?


Anonymous said...

takleh ke u cakap u tunggu i syg...heheheh..-jengs-

ay_yusof said...

i tunggu u ke, u yg tunggu i?