Friday, January 19, 2007

Thesis Statement: A Writer’s Point of View

Creating a good thesis statement is not as easy as what I think. Watching my friends’ thesis statement being rejected again and again, make me wonder why it is so difficult to come out with a sentence. According to Barnet and Cain (2003), thesis statement is:
“a sentence summarizing, as specifically as possible, the writer’s chief point (argument and perhaps purpose)”
Therefore, what makes it so difficult is to put the gist of the essay in just a sentence.
It is already the third week of lecture and I have to admit that I don’t know weather I can make a good one. Some of the thesis statement that I read (which belongs to my friends), seem good but rejected because the quality of the sentence is not there. Maybe it is our own mistake for not paying attention while studying Expository Writing (the subject which thought us to do thesis statement for the whole semester). Somehow, I take it as a challenge, because in education we do not face problems but challenge.

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