Thursday, March 10, 2011

Soalan dan Jawapan

Arahan soalan: Rewrite these sentences by using one word or a shorter phrase to replace the underlined words.

Soalan: My auntie is a beautician in a shop that sells lipsticks, powders, creams and cleansers.

Jawapan 1

Jawapan 2

Soalan: This neat beautiful painting was given to me by my friend who draws to earn a living.


Soalan: We followed every word of her instructions and after many attempts, we got the answer right.




AnneRaini said...

hahahaha..kelakar..aku tak pernah tahu make up tu kategori cereals..hihihi

ay_yusof said...

Anne, masa buat latihan, aku ada ajar perkataan cereals. Tak sangka pula dia akan gunakan (sebab tak tahu nak jawap la tu). Ha ha ah.